Utica Post 229 and Auxiliary Unit 229 offer annual scholarships to students matriculating at a  college or technical school.

The College-Bound May Apply for Post Scholarship

Utica Post 229 is offering two $1,000 scholarships to qualified high school seniors entering college or technical school in the fall.

Qualifying applicants for the Post 229 scholarship must exemplify good citizenship and be a descendant (son/daughter, grandson/grandaughter) of a member of Utica Post 229.

If Post Scholarship applicants want to be considered for an additional County Legion Scholarship, deadline for submission to Utica Post is April 15. Otherwise, applications for the Post scholarship are due by May 1.

Students, Adults May Apply for Auxiliary Scholarship

Auxiliary Unit 229 is offering scholarships to qualified students or adults applying to or already enrolled in an institution of higher learning.

Qualifying applicants for the Auxiliary’s Heather Haggerty Memorial Scholarship must be involved in the community and be a member or direct descendant of the Utica Post 229 Legion Family.

Students need to submit a school transcript and letters of recommendation along with the application. Deadline is June 1.


Utica Post Scholarship Application | Auxiliary Unit Scholarship Application